Fire Convo #0001

Time to fucking rock and roll.

Alright guys, welcome to fire convos. My name is Alec Fidan. And welcome to the first podcast. This is Episode 0001. I did that for a reason I'm trying to make 1000 episodes. So guys stay tuned for a very, very long time we're talking months, years.. I'm going to be making a lot of content for you guys. We're gonna dive right in and welcome to fire conversations, aka fire convos.

I'm super happy to be starting this for you guys. It's something I've been wanting to do for years and years, and never really had the guts to do it. Not that didn't have the confidence, but super glad to do it now. So guys, today's topic is about commitment. And I think it's very fitting because

without commitment, you really can't start anything I didn't. I didn't commit on this idea for such a long time. And, you know, I never would have gotten anywhere until I started right from scratch and just committed to the idea. And there's a lot of things this year that I wanted to commit on. So let's backtrack a little bit to

January 1 of this year, I had a plan to commit to all my ideas, and basically figure it out as it went on, figure it out as the months went forward and kind of just react. And so far for this year, I've been super impressed in myself and the work that I've been able to do because of the commitment level that I've been putting in. I'm someone that has a huge idea creation, I love

to create ideas, but without commitment, they that's all they are just an idea.

So to give you an idea, some of the things that I've committed to this year,

the aesthetic is a brand that I started. It's the idea behind it is the pursuit of perfection. And it's something that I've had on my mind for almost my entire life, I've always had that type of mindset, that aesthetic mindset where I wanted to pursue a certain perfection. And trust me, I've noticed that, you know, perfection is not attainable. But the pursuit of that perfection is something I think that everybody should strive for. It's something I've really honed in on the last few years, and especially in the last few months, especially in this year of 2021 my pursuit of perfection, you know, it's different than anybody's, you know, everybody's gonna have a different aesthetic. And that was why I started that brand. So the aesthetic is

it's my style, but I think it could be morphed into anybody's and that's why I created a brand that fits a wide range of people. And it's very trendy. And it's it's futuristic, and I'm super excited for that to keep on going. We're about and we're in month two right now these stetic and, you know, I love it. This is one of the hoodies if there's something you guys are interested in and you want it of course you go to my website,

And this is a perfect time to talk about today's sponsor. So The Aesthetic is today's sponsors of the video. Obviously, I'm the CEO and Founder so I'm sponsoring this video

I just talked about the pursuit of perfection. If there's something that you want to pursue and your lifestyle, you want to strive for something perfect, whether it's a body, a physique, a mindset, a lifestyle, anything, the aesthetic is what you need. Other sponsor for today is going to be extreme storm solutions, their area, a storm restoration company in the south side of Chicago.

I completely believe in them, their work, their service and everything that they do is top notch. And if you want your roof or your house checked out, give them a peep. They do awesome, awesome work. You guys could talk to Ali or you could also call them at 708-371-9000 that's extreme storm solutions, and that's where they always provide you with a solution.

And our last sponsor for today's video is Jedis Garden in Oaklawn

they are a breakfast lunch, dinner restaurant, and honestly guys, they make the most bomb food in the south side. If you haven't, they're in Oaklawn.

On 95th and Cicero actually sorry, Southwest highway and Cicero. Gosh, check it out. They're making awesome innovations. They have a mini Casino in there. So if you'd like some gaming, feel free to hit the slots. And other than that they're changing their full banquet room into a active bar now. So staying with the trends and innovation, that's Jedis Garden, you guys could talk to Dimitri or Tom, the owner, they'll hook you up for sure. Just let him know I sent to you. Alright guys, those are today's sponsors, and we can move on. So guys, today's conversation, and I want to welcome you guys to fire convos.

Today's topic is commitment, right. So some other things that I've committed on. And the reason I want to preach this to you guys is because

I want to share my experiences more. I'm not saying I'm perfect. I'm still on that pursuit of perfection. But the more I've committed to my ideas and figured it out, as the time went on, the more I've evolved, the podcast was one of the ideas that I committed on it started this year. My YouTube channel was another thing that I committed to it started this year. And honestly, I'm so proud that I got to do it. But I have so much more room to grow some of the things that I've committed on, whereas the aesthetic, smartest things that I'm super excited for that coming in future months is my own supplement brand. This is going to be a huge step for me. I've been in health and fitness industry for

about five, six years now. And you know, I love it, it's my entire lifestyle, it's my passion. my true passion is fitness. And to bring the supplement brand along with everything that I've been doing is just something I've been so excited for. So

to give you guys some insight on that I'm going into business with my two teammates from college, Owen, and Alex, you guys will learn more about that in the future. It's gonna be super exciting. And

yeah, it's, it's gonna be a phenomenal supplement brand. And

I'll be coming out with pre workouts, proteins, you name it, bunch of other stuff, I don't want to talk too much on that. But it's something I've committed on now I'm working towards we're about two months out as far as that goes. But that's for my brand is going to be something to look forward to, we're going to do things different than any other supplement company in the industries, where someone that we will only put something on our site that we absolutely believe in two. So there won't be a pre workout that we don't believe in if the ingredients are what we believe in. It's not going to be on our site.

So that's something I committed on and some other things. Future thing might happen a few months might happen in a few years, guys, my ideas, and this is what I want to give you some advice on today. As far as commitment goes, you can have an idea and you can commit to it on that day. And it doesn't matter if it takes you a week, a month or 10 years. If you commit to it, you'll eventually get to it. And with all the idea creation that I have. I know at one point, I will get to it. And that's what's been able to let me evolve as far as my entrepreneurial journey goes, I'm only 23 if you guys don't know who I am, I am from the south side of Chicago. I have a history in entrepreneurship, Business, Business Management, social media. But I was originally just an athlete, you know, growing up, played tons of sports, loved it loved staying active. I was big friends and family guy still am. And

now, getting back to the whole like swinging this back to commitment. I committed to all those sports at a young age. So why can't I commit just like I did in those to my business ventures. So guys, even if you're not in business, you can commit to a healthier lifestyle, you can commit to better communication with your family, you can commit to just having a stronger mindset through you know, your day to day basis. And that is today's topic. And I think it's so fitting because this first episode is committing to your ideas and without commitment, you'll never execute in that idea we're just floats in the air. So some other things that I've committed on and I'm not saying this to preach out to you guys or you know host out and just trying to blow smoke. I'm literally just telling you my ideas to give you also ideas to be innovative in yourself. So the aesthetic is for e commerce brand. And no ecommerce has been huge for me. And it's a wave that for sure the future is going along with e commerce with the blast of cryptocurrency and the blast of NF T's. You know, the e commerce brand and e commerce ecommerce world is is huge and being able to figure out things now is what's going to help me onto the future. So if you're listening to this, I 100% I appreciate you being here. If you're watching this on YouTube, I 100% appreciate you watching this. I want to say thank you to the whole team that's helping me out. But I wanted to give you guys this insight because

I know there's a lot of you that could be watching this and you want this insight as far as e commerce and everything that's going so the aesthetic for e commerce print on demand service, super awesome. It's all through printful and a few other sites. If you guys want more information on that, feel free to DM me, email me at outwork me at Alex van comm I can answer any of your guys's questions. But along with some other things that you know we've committed on. And this is a future thing of mine is the idea. The name I have right now is called cup of cream, it's a single serving of ice cream that I want to be able to deliver to people, I've been a ice cream enthusiast for so long, got addicted at some point. And I want to say I'm so addicted to it now, but I still love ice cream. And that is something I definitely will get to in the future. So be on the lookout for my ice cream service. It's gonna be super awesome. And this is guys, I'm telling you, this now is not something that's gonna be recent, or a few months, this could be in a year, a few years from now, but committed to that idea. And it's starting to work towards it on a day to day basis writing things down, and slowly knocking these tasks is what's going to get you closer to actually, you know, accomplishing that goal. And that was exactly how the aesthetic started. It didn't start from, you know, just the day before. No, it was something that committed two to three actually committed to in 2016. When I first started for non fitness. Like I said, I'm a huge into the fitness industry. And when I started for non fitness, I started with one single t shirt, didn't know where it was going to go, I had no no clue didn't know if I was gonna make a single sale. And it turned out pretty great started off with one black t shirt that I have framed in my room now. And, you know, if I didn't start with that single commitment of starting that small clothing supply, you know, it would never turn to the white long sleeve, we've never turned into the red and black three quarter sleeve and never turned into that crewneck. And that was a few years ago, if I would never would have started that there's no way I would have gotten into this.

And right now the aesthetic has over 200 items in total. And you know, it's crazy to think that but, you know, if I didn't commit on ideas years ago, there's no way in 2021 that I would have this brand. There's no way I would be rockin this awesome sweater, if I didn't start the things that I did years ago, you know. So remember, guys, if you have an idea, you have to commit to it on that day or in that moment, and it can be in the simplest way is just writing it down on paper. That'll get you one step closer to accomplishing it. And then you just what do I have to do now or next, to get a little bit closer. And guess what you might take a few days off, you might have a full time job, that's perfectly fine.

But since you have some type of structure, and you've already committed to that idea, you're going to get a lot closer to accomplishing it than if you didn't. So, guys, some other things. As far as commitment goes, I've committed to my work ethic. And

I've wanted to work harder than anybody else. So when I was into these grinding months of the aesthetic, I was staying up from, you know, I'd get home. And I'd be on the computer from about 10 1112 at night. And I was staying up till 4:35am going asleep for about three or four hours waking up and hopping right back on the computer and continuously working 100% I wasn't feeling great. My Fitness, my health was definitely declining. But guess what, I was taking the steps necessary to accomplish the goal that I've committed to. And there's definitely moments we're gonna have to sacrifice time effort. When you are trying to accomplish something.

When I think of objectives or missions that I want to basically accomplish, you think about it as a seesaw, you put effort in one direction, you might lose one or the opposite. And vice versa, right. And you have to think about that as all your business ventures and anything that you handle in life. It's never if you put tons of effort into your family, something else is gonna sacrifice whether that's communication with your friends, or your sports or your athletics, but if you put tons of focus to that something else is gonna sacrifice. So what do you do in that moment?

What I did was just continuously working harder, you know, knowing that, you know, maybe in this moment, I might be sacrificing time with my friends or some sleep. But I know in that later on, it's gonna be so worth it. So something I committed on was my work ethic and that's something I'm going to strive to keep pushing on a daily basis. Because, you know, my original slogan outwork me still stands and I will completely preach on to that for the rest of my life. You know, no matter what room I'm in, I'm going to try and be the hardest worker. And if I am I need to find a different room because I need other people that are working harder than me so I can keep pushing myself.


guys, let's keep on rolling on commitment now. So

shake date. Now, this is something that has been in the works. And it's something this is the first time anybody's heard about this shake data is just the name, who knows if that's still going to stay, but I am going to be opening my own.

If you guys want to call out a brick and mortar shop, it's going to be a place where you can go and get healthy protein shakes. That tastes like milkshakes. So even though I talked about my ice cream, that's probably not gonna be on the healthy side. But I promise you guys if you want a healthy pre workout, post, workout meal, or even just something to slam before going to work, or like the name says a shake date and you want to go with your significant other or friend. The idea behind this there also be a drive thru. So we're going to keep on working. As you know, the world is turning into a very fast, you know, quick paced world, I want to have a drive through, don't worry, we have obviously online orders and all that stuff. But that's something to be you know, looking forward to in the future. Getting back to that, there's no way I would have gotten even near to where I'm at as far as finding the locations, finding the employees, all the equipment, if I didn't commit to the idea six months ago.

So be on the lookout for shape date.

Got some other things now is my online training and the summer sizzle that I had launched two weeks ago. So we're moving on to the third week of my summer sizzle challenge to five week training program where you have six workouts per week that I completely designed. I tried to make the best workout program that I could, if somebody needed to get shredded, or at least get motivated and get pushed in the right direction in five weeks. This is a program for them. We're moving on tomorrow is going to be the start of week three. I'm super pumped for everybody that's hopped on it already. They're already seeking results. I love the people that are dming me asking, excuse me, ask him questions.

I'm always I'm an open book. So feel free, guys, if anytime you have interest in business or Fitness, Health and Wellness DM me ask me questions. I'm always responding, I try to respond to every single comment every single dm as fast as I possibly can. That's something I've committed to was so strong of communication. And this is the reason I want to start the podcast as well. Being able to communicate my ideas, my thoughts, there's a lot of you that might be the closest friends to me, and you had no clue that some of these ideas were, you know, in the works. And that's just because it takes you know, a lot of effort to show these ideas and communicate them through photo through video. It's extremely hard. But through a podcast, I have tons of time to explain my thoughts and explain everything that I want to do.

Some other things, guys, I just committed to a gym nearby, I'm going to be getting back into personal training, super excited to be doing that. This goes hand in hand with the whole work ethic thing. I could be very, you know, I could settle down, I launched the aesthetic to full econ brand, I could be super pleased with where I am. But that's only going to give me so far. And I constantly want to push the envelope. So there's a reason why I'm trying to start these new business ventures. There's a reason why I'm going back into personal training group training. One because I do you love that atmosphere. I'd love the gym opportunity that I'm getting.

But I need to keep pushing the envelope and create cash flow for other businesses. If I don't constantly have cash flow, how am I supposed to start a cup of cream? How am I supposed to start shake date? All these things? How am I supposed to keep these things? Rolling if I don't have constant cash flow, to give you guys an insight on exactly what cash flow is. Cash Flow is not just a check that you receive when you you know you work an hourly job. Cash Flow is profit that you can use to continue business. It's not something that you then pop into your checking account and spend, you have to actually put that into something that will either grow or scale a business, start another one.

So have that in your mindset. Cash Flow is king. Remember that. So personal training. If you guys are interested, I do train in a gym, the South Side, feel free to DM me. If that's something you're interested in, we'll definitely get you set up I'd love to be your trainer and get your on on track. So

guys, freelance essentially has changed my world. So coming into the freelance world. About a year ago when I started before the aesthetic was anything I started Alec the aesthetic. This was my freelance brand and essentially I wanted to brand myself out as a cinematographer, a filmmaker for businesses I wanted to help them get their word out their service their products in a super high end fashion. I think you know, advertising was getting very

not cheesy, but just with the you know, the iPhone coming out is very easy to just kind of make a very simple video and I wanted to push the envelope and show businesses that if you could create

An awesome product or awesome video, you can implement that and show it to so many people and then advertise it. And it's only going to help your business. So, the freelance world, I started filmmaking started creating awesome videos for businesses, and it's been great so far. And I'm gonna continue to grow that. But that was an idea committed on a year ago or longer a year and a half ago. And I'm slowly growing that

I already talked a little bit on cryptocurrency, VR NF T's. But I want to dive in a little bit deeper right now because I think that's a huge topic right now. And it's something I'm committing so hard to right now, especially in this week, because the market currently is going to crash super hard. And this is gonna be a huge moment for a lot of people that are in the cryptocurrency world.

TV an idea, crypto, NF T's NF T's are basically a digital asset of anything that's in this world, this couch could essentially be an NF T. And

as far as that goes hand in hand, with VR, I do have a VR headset and its eyes opened me up to so much of what the future is going to entail. So guys, believe me when I tell you that the world is going digital, and you want to hop on this digital train, do not deny that it's not going to be real, that it's a fad, that it's a bubble and it's going to pop, I can promise you 100% that the world is going digital. And if you don't start to learn about cryptocurrency and NF T's, you're going to fall behind. Or at least you're not going to move forward as as far as you could. So guys, just listen to my advice and commit to the crypto world and the NF T's. And let's just grow together. And same thing. If you have any questions, make sure DM me, I'm going to help you out. I'm also in the process of learning. So let's just grow together, right? commit on the idea today or wherever you're listening to this. And let's, let's keep on growing right.

So one of the last things I want to talk about as far as commitment is committing to removing dead space in your calendar. One thing that's absolutely been able or helped me dominate, find time to create podcasts, to work for other businesses to work for myself to do all these things is removing dead space in my calendar. If you are not a student of your calendar, you're wasting time. So my advice for you guys is to block out 15 minute blocks or 30 minute blocks throughout your day. because realistically, you could give yourself a task, let's say

let's say you're a freelancer, and you have to create a video for a business. If you allow yourself three hours to make this video, your brain is going to take up that three hour duration to make this. But if you give yourself a 30 minute block, you're gonna still knock out that task in 30 minutes, it may or may not be as quality of work, but it may actually end up being better because you were put into such a short timeframe. You know, if you're let's say I guarantee relates back to college or school. If you forgot an assignment, and you remember 30 minutes before class, there's a good chance that you still got that assignment finished, I guarantee it. And some of the times it was your best work. And I started to think about that as far as my calendar and removing dead space. So guys, block out 1530 minute blocks. And that could be anything from meditation to your eating, too, you're working out. And it could be the smallest things because don't don't assign yourself super large tasks like start an e commerce brand. Because you can't start an e commerce brand in 15 minutes. But what you can do is go sign up for Squarespace, create your own website or at least get started create that membership in that 15 minutes and then move on to your next block which can be something as simple as then

taking your pre workout and then your let's say your gym session is going to be obviously a little bit longer. Let's say that's 45 minutes to an hour then after that if you're in the social media world blackout time to make social media content you know, blackout these time guys tonight guarantee committed to that scheme, that style is going to help you out 1,000% huge commitment to huge commitment to and I think you guys would get a lot of joy of blocking out that time and commitment to that

probably the last thing I want to talk about as far as commitment is committed to helping others first. This was the whole idea of the podcast was I wanted to give

people and the people that around me and the people that listen to me tons value. And those idea behind the podcast my youtube channel off social media is because

if I don't give out value nobody's gonna grow from my lifestyle. Other than that, I'm just living for myself and that's very selfish, you know, I to get to where I'm at. Just because of myself. I'm not self made. I hate that term being self made is almost impossible. And guys being able to help others first and give value is what's going to actually prolong your whole career. So guys

Commit to the idea of helping others first. And that could be in the smallest tasks that you know, that could be,

you know, holding the door for someone, but that could also be, you know, saving money and donating to awesome cause

those small steps is what's going to make a huge difference in your life. And I guarantee those moments is what's going to create so much more for yourself and for business and for your career. And you're not even gonna realize it because you're giving just value to people, without even asking for anything return, have no expectations, and just give and give and give. And I promise you, in the end, you're going to receive, whether that's financial, you know, financial returns, or, you know, emotional mental returns, you're going to get something back and I guarantee it. So guys, keep on giving out to the world. And it will come back I promise you that.

So guys, thank you so much for listening, and staying tuned into fire combos. This is the first episode. And I want to leave you with these final seven rules of life.

Number one, smile. Guys, if you don't smile, and have an awesome attitude,

you're just gonna go through your day, pretty miserable, nobody's gonna want to be around you. So guys, first tip is smile, commit to smiling. You know, even in the hardest moments, I want you to smile, you're sad, tell yourself, you know what, I'm gonna smile, and I'm gonna make the most of it.

Number two, commit to being unkind. There's so much hate, there's so much anger in the world right now be the change, be kind, make a difference, guys commit to being kind. And number three.

Number three is don't give up commit to never giving up. That's a huge motto of mine, no matter what gets thrown at me, no matter what happens, I will never give up. You know, even if a business venture fails, I, I won't give up, I will just pivot and I'll make some type of innovation to make me kind of twist around and make it work. But I will never quit, I will never give up. And if you adopt that and commit to that mindset, I guarantee it's gonna help you out in some way or fashion.

Going along with that number four is commit to stop comparing yourself to others. There's so many other podcasts in the world, why did I want to start one, because I was going to do it differently. A lot of times people just do the audio, but I'm mixing the outfit on audio experience with also the video experience. I'm not comparing myself to others, I'm trying to do it exactly how I want to do it. And that's what's gonna make me stand out. So I know there's the social media world out there, and you compare yourself to so many other people. So how are you going to stand out, you can stand out by just looking yourself in the mirror, comparing yourself to you every single day. And that's what's gonna make you stand out.

Number five,

commit to

avoiding negativity, if your group of friends is negative,

and they just don't preach any happiness, their glass half empty, you need to go find a different group, you've got to go find different friends. And it could be your best friend that you've been talking to or living your whole life with.

And they might be dragging you down. And this might be one of the hardest things you have to do. But I can promise you that if you remove negativity in your life, not only will you go back to step one here and start smiling more, you can start being more kind. Removing negativity is only going to help you guys it's gonna make you in a positive lifestyle. And just such a better mental state. Skies commit to avoiding negativity in your life.

And number six, you have to commit to making peace with your past realizing that failure is only feedback, it's not final, and you can only move forward from these things.

There's a lot of times in your life, you're going to fail 100% I've failed a ton. A lot of times, a lot of bad things have happened. And if I were to just take a seat in those moments, there's no way I would be in this seat today.

A lot of times in sports, great, great thing to look at, you fail tons of times, but guess what, you always come back the next time and try and do better in business, you might start a venture and it might completely fail. But guess what, the only option you have is to keep on pushing forward. If you quit,

it's just never gonna work out. You have to just keep pushing forward.

And never and just make peace with your past in a sense. Do not Do not be okay with what's happened in your past.

But realize that it is in your past and you could always move forward. So guys commit to that. And the last last rule for tonight and I want to leave you guys to this is

committing to taking care of your mind

This commitment level right here, committees taking care of your mind before the physical body or anything else, even anything around you committing to creating the strongest mind that you possibly can is what's going to get you to dominate in every facet. So guys commit to those things and your life will change, commit to listen to this podcast on a monthly basis and your life will change. Because if I could change one of your lives, this was so worth it. You know, I didn't do this just for fun. I did this to literally impact people's lives because there's so many people that have impacted mine. There's no way I would have been able to commit on this idea if I didn't have other people impact me So

guys, that's the end of this topic today is the end of this fire Convo.

Today's topic was commitment.

And I want you guys to come in on something right in this moment. Once you soon as this is done, please commit to something we're going to circle back to it in a few future months. And guess what I might call out on you. Hopefully, you could DM me, and we could talk about it. So guys, thank you so much for tuning in. to fire Convo. My name is outfit on. Thank you for tuning in to the outbound audio experience. And if you're watching on YouTube, thank you for watching the video experience. And I will see you guys next month and the next fire gun.



3044 that's good timing, baby. Good fucking timing. I did have to record the last minute again. Yeah.

But I think this was good.

Alec Fidan

Creator. Innovator. Entrepreneur. Fitness Model.

Fire Convo #0002